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Last year Svanehøj signed contracts with Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) to supply fuel-, cargo- and spray pumps for a total of six new Very Large Ethane Carriers (VLEC).
The ships were ordered by the Chinese company Zhejiang Satellite Petrochemical and will be used to carry liquid ethane from Texas, USA, to the company’s petrochemical terminal in Lianyungang, China.
The first of the VLEC’s, Seri Everest, has just been delivered from SHI. With a capacity of 98,000 cbm, Seri Everest is the largest VLEC ever constructed. It is built with a dual cargo containment system which is able to handle both ethane and LNG.
– We have worked to develop solutions specifically for the very large ethane and LNG carriers. The Seri Everest marks a huge milestone for us in this process, and we are very excited to be a part of this project, says Johnny Houmann, Sales Director at Svanehøj.
The pump solution for the Seri Everest and the other Zhejiang VLECs is developed in collaboration with French LNG specialist, GTT. For each of the vessels, Svanehøj supplies a ship-set consisting of 8 DW cargo pumps, 4 spray pumps and 2 DW fuel pumps.
Svanehøj’s deepwell pump is a reliable and flexible multigas pump that is less sensitive to impurities and can handle a variety of liquefied gases including LNG, LPG and ethane at all gravities without any component changes. The pump is designed for a 25,000 hour / 5-year service interval and is fitted with a foot valve retraction system, which means the pump can be serviced without having to empty the tank.
Read more about the delivery of Seri Everest: https://www.rivieramm.com/news-content-hub/news-content-hub/shi-delivers-lsquolargest-everrsquo-vlec-to-zhejiang-satellite-petrochemical-62000