Exploring new approaches to workforce diversity
In future, shipowners will only have to go to one place when they need to service their gas tankers.
Svanehøj has taken over FORCE Technology’s Marine Equipment Service department with 20 cargo system service specialists in Frederikshavn, Denmark. The acquisition puts Svanehøj at the forefront of servicing LPG carriers.
“This acquisition means we’re the first service provider on the market to be able to offer certified servicing of both Svanehøj pumps and compressors, as well as approval of certificates for the Japanese customs authorities. This is truly unique and removes a number of non-value-added costs because the shipowner can get all their servicing and maintenance from one supplier,” says Morten Christian Larsen, Director, Service & Aftersales at Svanehøj Group.
Further information: Søren K. Nielsen, CEO, Svanehøj Group A/S (+45 96 37 22 79, skn@svanehoj.com)
Read about the acquisition in Danish maritime media, Søfart (in Danish):