11-02-2025Gas Pumps
Svanehøj to supply CO2 pumps for carbon storage in the North Sea
Svanehøj deepwell pumps installed in the world largest fully refrigerated ammonia storage tank at Yara facilities at Porsgrunn, Norway.
During the winter period 2008/09 the fertilizer factory Yara in Porsgrunn, Norway, part of Yara Norge AS (previously Norske Hydro) have updated their tank facilities for ammonia storage. For environmental and safety reasons Svanehøj A/S was requested to supply and install new 28 m long deepwell pumps to feed the factory with a constant supply of ammonia from the world's largest ammonia tank of 60,000 m3.
Existing pumps installed were dry mounted at ground level taking suction through the side of the tank, thus presenting a potential risk of pollution to the industrial site itself as well as the thousands of employees in case anything happened to the suction pipe. The new deepwell pumps have been supplied to meet ATEX rules, an EU Directive for equipment to be used in dangerous zones.
Yara has, in previous years, taken over many companies like Norske Hydro and Kemira – companies which have several Svanehøj deepwell pumps serving their plants in France, Norway, and Denmark. The reliability and performance of these pumps was a prime selling point in securing this onshore order.
Svanehøj A/S is proud to have been selected as supplier of vital equipment for such a remarkable project and thank Yara for their confidence and good cooperation.